For the first 13 years of my life, I have been allergy-free. I could eat anything edible and have itch-free skin. I was stuffing myself with all kinds of food I could get my hands on. Then, suddenly 2 years ago, I started getting rashes after eating don'tknowwhat and since then, I've been aware of what I'm putting into my mouth.
Why am I talking about my allergies?
Not sure.
Maybe because I might be allergic to someone to. Like you, LIAR.
Ever since our paths crossed, I've been getting itchy and rashes all over my body. Yes, my heart is reacting to my feelings towards you.
Ugh, I still could not get over the things that you told my friends. Who knows what bullocks have you been telling your friends. I AM SO MAD AT YOU NOW.
and to think that you were a nice guy, pfft!
Please, never say that the lies just "slipped through your mouth" or whatever shiz, because I know you've been planning every single bit down to the simple text messages to make me look like an over obsessed girl, for you. What were you trying to prove man? Trying to prove to your "guys" that finally, someone is that desperate for you? PUHLEASE. I didn't even need your number, I was okay with just being strangers, I'd rather that we become strangers than the position that we're in right now.
But then to be frank, I really don't want to be over the top furious about this thing, because it's not worth it. I just want to know why, and sadly, I don't have the guts to ask you. Chicken guts, I know.
And I'm not going to waste these words, about a guy.
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