Monday, November 21

Couch Potato

So it's the year end holidays now. Yipee....
Been on a school-free vacation for a week now, and boy was I up to nothing.
Other than the Greyson Chance showcase, my past week of "holiday" wasn't, how you say, productive or fun. At all.
I literally spent a whole day in front of the TV, watching endless romantic comedy movies, crime series and pointless commercials. I'm starting to wonder when my butt is going to expand then inflate due to the long term contact with my couch.

Also, I have been dumping toxic waste ie. fast foods into my tummy the whole week, so much for eating fibre cookies for the holidays. Training stopped momentarily because coach went to the SEA Games in Indonesia, so I think I'm way over the 50 mark now.

Surprisingly, I don't care! I've never been so neglecting about my weight and my body. I guess it's from caring too much that I just got tired of this maintenance. Taking a break from all this shiz. I don't have anybody to impress, but me. So far, I've been happy with how I look, even now. My mind just wants to relax for a couple more days before I go back to training. Hopefully, I can go for the Hong Kong competition next year! *crossing my fingers!*

Alright, I better stop now before I tire my brain from the overload work.

Hope your holidays are better than mine. 
(I should do something with it)

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